Friday, March 23, 2012

First commissioned work completed

Hey after 2 months of hard work my first ever commissioned work is finished.. let me say we did try that butterfly at leas 6 times but now the client and myself are happy

It is Titled:  CHRYSALIS, is a triptych and stands at 1m tall by 1.5m wide , 
When hung it will be approx 2m wide.

ALso EASTER ART Exhibition at St Matthews Manly.. Two Pieces being submitted...wait and see......

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I love summer holidays....

I've been having a lovely time relaxing away from University... reading...playing with kids.. catching up with home and home related things....running... cooking... gardening.. and eating too much.....  AND PAINTING.. Excitingly i have been given a Commission to paint for the fabulous Phil Windsor and Super Silvie Windsor a piece for their offices...  very thrilling really.. Will start this soon....

What have i been doing well here 'tis.. they are all very different to the waves and water scenes.. Well some times you have to be brave and step out and try new things.

Outback in flower... much work to do

Anemone flowers..  nearly finished

A view from Allambie heights.. Manly dam.. still to be finished